Shovel Head WinPC cover gallery
evolution filevol.-0304
win PC cover image
[ runner ]
ヌ−は東アフリカのサバンナに通常5〜15頭で生活しているが、 時に100万頭以上の大群で一斉に大移動し、その距離は年間1600km 以上に及ぶ。 近年、その移動スピードが飛躍的に速くなってきているという。 異常気象と狭い保護区域内で、エサとなる草の確保の為に、早く 次の場所に移動しなければならないこと、また密猟者や伝染病等 の恐怖からいち早く逃れることが要因として考えられる。

[ runner ]
Gnus live in the savanna of East Africa normally in a troop of 5 to 15. Occasionally they have a great migration in a large herd of more than 1,000,000 all at once. They move over 1,600 kilometers a year. Recently they have begun to run faster than before by leaps and bounds. Some of the reasons are as follows: they want to reach next point as fast as possible to obtain the edible weed, for its area is getting smaller because of the climatic aberration and insufficient area of the sanctuary, and they probably feel the necessity to flee from the danger of the poachers and the contagious livestock sickness.

© Craft Factory Shovel Head , Nikkei Win PC, Okano Ryuichi, Oikawa Masaki Design Studio 2003 All rights Reserved