Shovel Head WinPC cover gallery
evolution filevol.-0305
win PC cover image
[ Paternity ]
日本各地及び朝鮮半島南部の藻場に生息しているタツノオトシゴ。 通常自在に動く尾を海草に巻付けて体を支えているが、先端の触手は更にその機能を補完し複雑な形状にも対応できる。 動きが非常に緩慢なので、種の永続のため外敵から身を守る術を進化させてきたようだ。雄の腹部にある育児嚢もその一つで、その中に産み付けられた卵をカプセルで保護しているのである。

Sea horses live in the marine forests around Japan and the south part of the Korean peninsula. They support their body by looping their tail around the sea weed. The tail tip enables them to cling to complicated objects,such as logs and rocks. They move so slowly that they've had to develop new skills in order to protect themselves against predators and preserve the species. An example of this is the male's brood pouch which protects the roes after being laid by the female in a capsule.

© Craft Factory Shovel Head , Nikkei Win PC, Okano Ryuichi, Oikawa Masaki Design Studio 2003 All rights Reserved