Shovel Head WinPC cover gallery
evolution filevol.-0302
win PC cover image
[ 武 蔵 ]
世界で最強の蜂はこのオオスズメバチであろう。 極めて攻撃性が強く、刺症による死亡事故が近年増加しているという。 黄色と黒の警戒色で相手を威嚇し、鋭い歯と尾先端から突き出た毒針で、 ミツバチや他のスズメバチを襲う 好戦的な姿は、江戸時代に名を馳せた二刀流の剣豪を思わせる。

[ Musashi-swordsman ]
This species must be the most fierce hunter of all the hornets and wasps. It is quite aggressive and its stick causes serious sickness sometimes even death, the number of the case has increased in recent years. It assaults bees and another hornets with sharp fangs and a sting from the tail showing the warning coloration in black and yellow. It is so bellicose and acts menacingly that the movement reminds us of the well-known samurai with two swords, Musashi...

© Craft Factory Shovel Head , Nikkei Win PC, Okano Ryuichi, Oikawa Masaki Design Studio 2003 All rights Reserved