Shovel Head WinPC
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evolution file vol.-0209 |
口から水を吹き飛ばし、水辺の草にいる昆虫を撃ち 落として食べるテッポウウオは、射撃の名手である。
近年、その命中率が格段に上がっているらしい。 前方だけでなく、後方をも射程圏内に入れるように
Archer-fish is an excellent enough sniper to shoot down the insects
in the waterside grasses, spouting water in line from the mouth.
In recent years the hitting-mark-rate has dramatically gone up.
Because it has improved and can include the backside of the body
within its range not only the front, now it's very dangerous to
stand up even behind it. |
© Craft
Factory Shovel Head , Nikkei Win PC, Okano Ryuichi, Oikawa Masaki
Design Studio 2002 All rights Reserved |