WHITE DUNK SHOWのL.A.開催時に展示スペースの前室に展示されました。NIKE
"ID-STATION" is a set of furniture made for
the WHITE DUNK SHOW in Los Angeles to be set at
the entrance space. It's a demonstration booth to design NIKE-ID shoes
on the Internet. The key words given from SARTORIA were " computer
space", "three-people sitting", " all white",
"space station", and "dunk". An image of cocoon
creature came up. They are monitor booth, keyboard desk, three types
of sofa, a set of speakers, and videocamera that can show the images
through the Internet. Each furniture has functions with a sensor. By
detecting the movement of people, it will spread the wings on the back,
roll down the tongue, extend the antenna, or throw out the vapor. When
they are not moving, a swoosh mark on the head is blinking.