Shovel Head Solo Exhibitions 02
[ キミニデアウヒ ]
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1999. 8 (Aug.)
ギャラリーエフ 浅草・東京
at Gallery ef, Asakusa Tokyo

約150年前 江戸時代に建てられた土蔵を改装したギャラリーでの個展。 立体 約15点を展示。
映像協力:金大偉氏, 佐藤秀啓氏
昔から伝説として語り継がれ、今は存在していないと思われている想像上の生き物、さらに私達がよく知る動物でさえも実は確実にこの文明社会を自らの身体に取り込み、変異・進化をくり返しながら、存在している。 会おうとして、会えるものではなく、ふとした事で偶然私たちの前へ現れ、驚かそうとするかもしれない。

The second solo exhibition at the renovated gallery of the 150 year old warehouse . 15 sculptures were displayed.
Collaboration on films with Taii Kin and Hidehiro Sato
"Are they still living in this world? Legendary animals, they have been thought to be imaginary creatures not living in the real world any more. What if they were living somewhere by accommodating themselves to the civilized world, by taking it into their bodies to survive, by transforming and by metamorphosing? What if even well-known animals might do the same? Is there any possibility that they might appear to us?"

© Craft Factory Shovel Head 2002 All rights Reserved
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