Shovel Head WinPC cover gallery
evolution filevol.-0203
win PC cover image
[Machine Gun Head]
クチバシの上に奇妙な突起物があることで知られているオオサイチョウ。 この個体はその中に機関銃を内蔵している。産卵後、巣穴の入口をフン と木くずで内側からふさぐ習性があるが、先の個体は巣立の際その機関 銃を使用し巣穴の中から出て来た。 目下、この銃の使用は巣立ちの時に限られるようだが、近い将来、人類 に銃口を向けることが 起きないよう祈るばかりである。
[Machine Gun Head]
Great indian hornbill is known by having a curious protuberance on the beak, in which of this individual, a machine gun is built in. During the breeding season, the female has an habit to plug up the entrance of the nest hole in a tree from inside using droppings, wood shavings and so on. There it lays eggs and hatches them. This individual was found leaving out of it breaking up the coverings with machine gun. Till now the usage of the gun is limited only at the time of leaving the nest, though it's not certain when or if it will start aiming the muzzle to us....
© Craft Factory Shovel Head , Nikkei Win PC, Okano Ryuichi, Oikawa Masaki Design Studio 2002 All rights Reserved