Shovel Head Win PC cover gallery
evolution filevol.-0211
win PC cover image
古来より人魚と呼ばれるジュゴン。 温和な性格だが、緊急時にすばやく逃げる推進力と 食料の海草(アマモ)を一気にすくい取るスキ状の 機能も持つに至った。 しかし、海洋汚染等による環境変化、そしてアマモ の生育範囲減少がその進化以上のスピードで迫って いる。
From ancient age people called dugong a mermaid. Its character is calm but it has developed an organ like a spade to scoop and eat bell ware (a kind of algae). Also the tail has propelling power to get away rapidly in case of an emergency. Now the problem is the environmental change by the sea pollution that causes the decrease of the edible plant area. Can they keep on progressing faster than this?
When can they be vegetarian?
© Craft Factory Shovel Head , Nikkei Win PC, Okano Ryuichi, Oikawa Masaki Design Studio 2002 All rights Reserved